2002 Reunion – Letter #1

Subject: Class Reunion
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 08:23:10 -0600

Hello fellow 1982 classmates of Sterling High School,

I know that Mr. Kilgore would not approve the letter heading and style, but you’ll have to excuse my bad memory of how to do that properly. We are planning a reunion for Labor Day weekend of 2002. What we are asking from you is some input of what you would like to do. We could have either a one-day or two-day celebration, include our children or not, or split that. How much money do you want to spend? Should we rent a place in Hutch for a place to eat and dance or just stay in Sterling and have it catered? Any suggestions? We are open to ideas as of now, but depending on responses, we will go ahead with what the majority wants.

If you have addresses for Margaret Kemp, Pathama Kijprasert, or Bobby Torres, we would appreciate your sending them our way. Also, if you know of any other classmates (in addition to those who actually graduated with our class) who would be interested in attending, please let us know about them.

Shawn is in the process of trying to set up a website where our class info can be posted. We will update you with that information as he makes progress.

Even if you have no strong opinions as to the celebration plans, we would appreciate a prompt response so that we can get an idea of the interest level. We also want to know for sure that you’ve received our message and that we have correct address information-please include mailing address, phone, and names of spouse and children, and email address if possible.

Please send your responses to the following

Deb Preheim   or   Drew & Connie Frederick

Thanks for your help!!
Your planning committee, Deb & Connie


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