SHS Class of 1982 folks:
Here are a couple of items for your consideration:
— SHS alumni directory
See the forwarded email (below) from Jackie Krueger (SHS business instructor and webmaster) concerning an online alumni directory that she is assembling. Please consider contributing your information to this directory by emailing her.
— SHS Class of 1982 website
I put our class website back online a few months ago. There have as yet been no changes since the 20th class reunion in 2002. I’m working on some additions and improvements to the site in preparation for the 25th reunion. I was planning to send an announcement email when I had the updates posted; however, this seems like an opportune time to let y’all know that the website is once again online. The new URL is:
Many of you have individual “bio” pages on this site. Please review these and send me any additions or corrections that you would like posted. I would also be interested in any photos you may have from the 20th reunion.
Stay tuned for additional updates to the SHS 1982 website and news regarding the next reunion.
From: Krueger, Jackie
Sent: Fri 9/29/2006 10:38 AM
Subject: Alumni Info
We are in the process of developing an Alumni Page for the USD 376 web site. Recently, I have received e-mails from several graduates of SHS who have viewed our web site and expressed a desire to learn the whereabouts of classmates. The Alumni Page will be a simple design, providing names and e-mail addresses to give people the opportunity to get in touch with alumni and former students. The page will also include a short form viewers can fill out and submit to get their name and address added to the list. We need some alumni information to get the page going initially. Would you like to have your name and home or school e-mail address listed? If so, please send me that information as well as information for relatives, friends, or former classmates you know of who would want to be included. The info needed is simply Name, E-mail Address, and Year of Graduation (or year attended if not a graduate.) Thanks for your help!
Jackie Krueger
Sterling High School
308 E Washington
Sterling KS 67579
Phone 620-278-2171
Fax 620-278-3237